Deine Karriere
bei F/LIST
Unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote
Stone Inlay


Luxurious elegance meets passenger experience.

Discover the future of cabin interiors with F/LAB Stone Inlay.

A seamless blend of natural elegance and unparalleled functionality tailored to the needs of the commercial aviation industry. Handcrafted with precision, our stone inlays set new standards in design, comfort and durability.



Elevating Airline Interiors

Diamond icon representing luxury, quality, and high-end craftsmanship

Aviation-grade durability


F/LAB Stone Inlay exceeds all requirements for resistance to wear, scratches, and fluid exposure, making it the ideal choice for high-traffic business and first-class cabins

Paint palette icon symbolizing creativity, customization, and aesthetic design.

Fully customizable


A vast selection of stone types, colors, and textures allows for personalized designs – from table inlays and seat shells coverings to backlit bars and integrated charging stations.

Feather icon symbolizing lightness, elegance, and innovation in materials used by F/LIST.

Leightweight and efficient


At only 2.5 mm thick for stone veneer and 3.1 mm for stone composites, F/LAB Stone Inlay contributes to improved fuel efficiency while remaining easy to install, maintain, and remove.

Icon of Earth with two leaves sprouting, symbolizing sustainability and environmental commitment.

Sustainability meets luxury


F/LAB Stone Inlay, made from natural materials, offers lasting aesthetics and durability. It can be upcyvled, extending its lifecycle and promoting sustainability.

Technological Excellence & Certification

With the latest technology, F/LAB Stone Inlay is fully certified for commercial aviation use. It not only enhances the visual appeal of any interior but also ensures each surface remains robust, hygienic, and long-lasting – ideal for designers who prioritize both beauty and functionality.

Laser engravings and material combinations

Create unique textures and patterns by combining different stone types or using fine engraving techniques.


Flat or curved

Whether for flat surfaces or curved applications,
our Stone Inlay adapts to any design vision.



Integrated solutions

Lighting options and modern features like wireless charging can be seamlessly incorporated.

We are committed to support you



Ready to create your perfect flying space?

Contact us today to explore how we elevate your passenger experience.




Porträt von Lukas Novotny, der in einem dunklen Anzug mit verschränkten Armen vor einer modernen Holzwand steht

Lukas Novotny

Head of Customer Relations & Sales
Commercial Aviation / Helicopter

T +43 664 884 794 96


Porträt von Christoph Hofer, der in einem dunklen Anzug mit verschränkten Armen vor einer Holzwand steht.

Christoph Hofer

Customer Relations & Sales
Commercial Aviation

T +43 664 962 80 28


Franz List
Mit tiefer Trauer teilen wir Ihnen mit, dass unser F/LIST-Aufsichtsratsvorstandsvorsitzender und Visionär
Franz List
am 23.03.2024 im Alter von 76 Jahren nach schwerer Krankheit verstorben ist. Dieser Verlust trifft uns alle schwer und hinterlässt eine schmerzhafte Lücke, nicht nur in seiner Familie und unserer Organisation, sondern auch in der Welt des exklusiven Innenausbaus.
Die Vision von Franz List führte uns als Unternehmen, von seinem Vater im Jahr 1950 gegründet, von einer bescheidenen Tischlerei zu einem weltweit anerkannten Unternehmen. Seine Führung, seine Liebe zum Handwerk und sein Innovationsgeist haben F/LIST zu dem gemacht, was es heute ist. Er wird uns fehlen.